About Packer Builder

Packer Builder is completely open-source, and we welcome feedback, contributions, and recommendations. Start using Packer Builder now, by heading over to https://github.com/mrlesmithjr/packer-builder.

Why Packer Builder

Problems That Packer Builder Solves


Using Packer SHOULD be straight forward and in most cases, it is. Packer builder abstracts many of the complexities of building images. With Packer builder, we wrap many of these complexities within code. By doing this, it provides us with a consistent model to build our images. We can inject logic which many times is not apparent. In addition to all of this, implement best practices into our builds. Is this builder for everyone? No. But for many, Packer can be a daunting process. So, we can minimize these processes, and make Packer builds more consumable.